Integral Lifework Resources

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Self-Assessment Resources

Self-Care Research & Planning

Recommended Reading

Integral Lifework by its very nature inspires different paths for different people. Here are some of the books that either discuss integral practice or can provide excellent contributions to self-care and nourishment of the thirteen Integral Lifework dimensions.
Conscious Loving - Gay Hendricks & Kathlyn Hendricks

Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work - John M. Gottman
Discovering the Body's Wisdom - Mirka Knaster

Mind over Mood - Dennis Greenberger & Christine A. Padesky
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey
Full Catastrophe Living - Jon Kabat-Zinn
Creating Community Anywhere - Carolyn Schaefer & Kristin Anundsen
Anatomy of the Spirit - Carolyn Myss
The Life We Are Given
- George Leonard & Michael Murphy
Integral Life Practice - Wilber, Patten, Leonard & Morelli

Strengthsfinder 2.0 - Tom Rath
A Path with Heart - Jack Kornfield

The Body Keeps the Score - Bessel van der Kolk